Thursday, December 24, 2009

Neutrogena face wash?

My face has looked terrible for about a year. My pores are filled with this nasty gunk all the time, and my face is always broke out now. The only thing that seems to help is my salicylic acid cream that I apply after washing and moisturizing.

I have been using Liquid Neutrogena for a while, and I have realized that I started using it around the time my face started breaking out. Has anyone else ever had this same problem with this product?

My skin is combination, and I have very large pores. I can only afford drugstore products, and I only like facial cleansers that don't have any added medicine in them, because I already have a salicylic acid treatment I use after cleansing. Any suggestions? Thanks!Neutrogena face wash?
I actually had some issues with that when I was just using the cream cleanser. I switched to the foaming grapefruit and it worked great, but left me a little dry. Now, I alternate between the 2 daily and it's been working great. Also, I get the pursa gel 10 spot stuff for whatever acne I already have. It works awesome, but you can only use it for a day or two, otherwise the benzoyl peroxide will dry out your skin. I've also has pretty good luck with St. Ives stuff.Neutrogena face wash?
Its a little expensive but look for Burt's Bees Garden Tomato complexion soap. Its strangely cleansing and moisturizing at the same time. It's a big bar and lasts a while. Don't use the Neutrogena soap with any other products except moisturizer, and don't use it daily. I only use it if I am extremely oily and broken out to dry up my skin. You could also try alternating days between salicylic acid and other astringents, like witch hazel. Witch hazel is really gentle and cleansing and tightens your pores.
I've always been a fan of Proactiv!;鈥?/a>

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