Sunday, December 20, 2009

Good face wash for nighttime?

I don't have severe acne, but I do have the occasional zit. My nose is my main problem area, and it's all bumpy all over it. I really want to get rid of it! There are so many products, and so many people recommend so many different ones! I want to use it at night, so that in the morning, my skin gets clear, since I don't have time in the morning for a face wash. My skin doesn't usually get very oily, but since it's summer, my breakouts increase!

Please help! Products that can be easily found in Walmart or Walgreens would be appreciated, and nothing way expensive! $20 is my limit.

Thanks!Good face wash for nighttime?
Au Revoir! Trouble Spot Treatment is a great product by the French skin care company called Votre Vu. You put it on the spot where you have a pimple and it literally clears up so fast!

You can find it on this website! It is only 19, so it falls in your budget!鈥?/a>


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