Sunday, December 20, 2009

How do you wash your face properly? with soap?

umm i have lil tiny pimples so i'm guessing its because i'm probably not washing my face properly. so how do i wash it PROPERLY with SOAP?

thanks!How do you wash your face properly? with soap?
Start out with very warm water, but not so hot it burns you. Rinse your face several times with the warm water so your pores open. Still using warm water, wash your face thoroughly with the soap, scrubbing lightly to loosen up the oil to be washed away with the soap. Wash away all the soap, rinsing several times. Finally, splash some cool water on your face to shrink up your pores again.

The question was specifically how to wash the face with soap. There's alternatives, just answering the question as it was asked.How do you wash your face properly? with soap?
So, washing your face with a soap can actually be bad for the skin because the soap can be very harsh on the face leaving it dry. Therefore, your face, to compensate, will try to replenish the moisture by giving off more oil, therefore making your skin more oily. This can lead it to just be oily, but also break out.

Breaking out can also be related to the kind of food your eating (lots of fatty, greasy, unhealthy food can cause you to break out).

Drink lots of water, and eat lots of fruits and veggies.

But, if you still want to clean your face, I would suggest using a mild cleanser, then a toner, and a moisturizer--everyday.

hope that wasn't too confusing
I wouldn't use soap if I were you. It can be really harsh on your skin and cause more pimples.

Try a face wash specifically designed for pimples.

When washing, start by splashing your face with warm water (that opens your pores) then wash with the face wash, and rinse it all off properly with warm water before splashing your face with cold water (which then closes your pores back up).

However pimples are not always caused by how you wash. Depending on how bad they are, your docto can prescribe different creams and tablets which will clear up the pimples almost straight away.
Well, I do these steps and all of my pimples are gone. I don't know if it works for everybody.

1) get a damp washcloth and put some liquid soap on it

2) Rub your face with it. After ur done, wash the soap off in the sink

3) Use the wet wash cloth to wash off the soap on ur face

4) Dry your face with a towel

5) I put some Clean and clear on

Hope this helps
Depends on what's going on with your skin. If your acne is mild, I would just use a mild cleanser that isn't too harsh. If your acne is on the moderate to severe side, I would use a medicated cleanser. It this dries out your skin too much, try to moisturize after washing. Bottom line is, soap is too harsh for most people's faces. I wouldn't use it.
First use a gentle, non scented soap. Irish spring and Lever 2000 are out of the question. Dove too. I don't care what their commercials say, and soap that intentionally leaves a residue behind is not good for you face.

Use very warm water to splash your face. The warm water opens your pores.

Then, take a clean washcloth (I used a buff puff when I was a teen I don't know if they are still on the market) wet it with the warm water.

Apply the soap to the wash cloth or cleaning implement. Clean you skin in a gentle circular motion. Be sure to clean your jaw line and neck as well.

Switch to cold water to rinse. Cold water causes your pores to contract making it harder for impuritie to enter while you sleep.

Dab you face dry never ever rub.

Always sleep with a clean pillowcase.

Never touch you face with your hands or a telephone.

Special note. gentle soaps are best for facial skin because our facial skin has a delicate Ph balance. Acne is a result of the ph being thrown off in one direction. The use of abrasive soaps and cleansers will cause it to clear for a while but your skin becomes dependent as a result of throwing the Ph off in another direction. So, unless you have the money Jessica Simpson does to keep up that the regimine for life, us regular folk have to rely on everyday items and the restoration of our God Given Ph.

A gentle soap such as Camay (inexpensive too) cleanses your face allowing your skin to balance itself out.
I wash my face in the shower. Make sure your getting your face soaked with water. Make sure your hands are clean as well. Get all the soap on your hands however you do it. Rub your face vigorously for like a whole minute. And rinse it off till it's squeaky clean.
dont ever use soap to wash your face, it will make your face dry and cause irretation. You can use some DOVE cleanser , you have to wash your face with luke warm water then splash cold water and pat it dry. It really helps.
to be honest i have been living with the theory that the more you wash the less effective it becomes....i wash with a bar of soap every other face is great so it obviously wrks or i just got good genes
While I was studying, one of my teachers told us not to use soap to wash our face... she told us ';the best way to avoid wrinkles is not to use soap, just water';

and that is why I never use soap.
avoid soap -see your dermatologist for skin care tips %26amp; acne treatment.
Tiny pimples are oil and sweat. Your skin produce oil mix with sweat.

I have them on my nose
use a light soap.... also apply a facial lotion. and make sure you are rinsing VERY well!
Get face wash, NOT SOAP.
sand paper.
wet face lather smoothly with hand soap then rinse

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