Sunday, December 20, 2009

Face wash = nasty allergic reaction?

i took a shower at a friend's house, and in her shower rack i found a bottle of ';Rachel Allison Glycolic Facial Wash'; or something. i was like ';oh, ok...facial wash..'; because i've been washing my face religiously ever since my first breakout. i used it, and the next day, i regretted it. it turned out to be some kind of specially formulated concoction for her mother's skin that definitely shouldn't be used by anyone else. my face had swollen a little, felt like a sunburn, and was really hot. every pore on my face was clogged, and it hurt to touch it. the next day it got worse, turning red and looking like a whole hive of bees had stung a sunburn on my face. it didn't get hard to the touch, like most swellings do...i could only tell it was swollen because it got hard to see out of one of my eyes. my pores are really clogged, and my skin is really bumpy and dry. any amount of moisturizer, ice, and aloe hasn't done anything but relieve the pain for a little. any advice?Face wash = nasty allergic reaction?
Take some benedril. Ask a pharmacist to help you.Face wash = nasty allergic reaction?
Use triple antibiotic salve on it, if this doesn't help, go to the Doctor.

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