Thursday, December 24, 2009

My son has to wash his face everytime something touches it how can I get him to stop doing this?

This sounds like a sign of obsessive-compulsive disorder. I would call his pediatrician and ask!My son has to wash his face everytime something touches it how can I get him to stop doing this?
i cant stand people that says how old is he?? if they read the top they will know my gosh.take him to the doctor. Report Abuse
My son has to wash his face everytime something touches it how can I get him to stop doing this?
Yeah, people just didn't read the additional details. Report Abuse

He could simply be mimicking what he's seen at school.

Don't jump to the shrink yet...see if it passes. If he hasn't quit in 3 months (or if he's been doing this for 3 months or longer), talk to your DOCTOR first.

All of these stupid psychiatric diagnosises are being put on children WAYYYYYY too young, IMO.
At the first place I would like to ask whats the age of you son,,, may be that would be helpful for some one to answer your question.
Kids go through stages that we as parents must cope with. For so reason your son face is a comfort zone for him and when people touch it he feels violated. All you can do is let people know that your son doesn't like his face to be touched. It is easier to controll others behavior towards him than to change what makes him comfortable.
It is a normal compulsive act. Many do this when they are young and find out about dirt and germs. Sometimes this goes on for a long time after childhood. Basically they don't want to be dirty or get germs from things they have touched in their mouth.
Yes, it could be obsessive compulsive or a mild phobia.

Do see your pediatrician, hopefully he will outgrow it.

Sometimes a child can interpret a contagion where there is none, i.e. frogs give warts.

The Listerine ads alone are enough to frighten a child half to death. That bacteria looks really scare to me......
why the **** are you complaing most parents would kill to have a hygenic son
I'd have him evaluated by his pediatrician. (S)he'll probably give you certain behaviors to look for if he's bordering on obsessive-compulsive.

Best of luck!
First of all is he 3 years old and just getting attention by doing this? or is he older and suffering from OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in that case you family doctor can help
I have OCD and have many obsessions with things. Wiping my face was one, but as I grew older the need to do it faded.( I hardly think about it anymore) It might just be a phase, but if he is diagnosed with OCD, please be patient and understanding with him. My mom used to yell at me for some of the things I did and it would make me feel stupid. Even now as an adult when I do my ';routines'; I feel like an idiot. Just take it one day at a time. Good luck
Sounds like OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) He probably can't help the things he is doing....I would recommend talking to his pediatrician who can recommend a therapist....if he stops these habits now...he will maybe never have to worry about them in adulthood. Good luck!
I'm 23 and do the same thing. I've never been ';evaluated'; as the behavior has never kept me from functioning normally. I think it may run in the family because my Dad used to have alot of obsessive compulsions as a kid and teen. I have several as well... the biggest ones are washing my face after I touch food, or any item I deem ';soiled, or dirty'; and also washing my face if said things touch it or after coming inside from outdoors. When we first started dating, my husband though it was very curious, so he bought me a diaper bag sized container of baby wipes as well as a small, refillabel hand sanitizer bottle. I'd take them with me EVERYWHERE at first. They were so convenient because I didnt have to look for a sink while we were out. Over time I would learn to ration my wipes and sanitizer... I didnt want to run out if the occasion called for either one. So, I learned to get over touching some normal things without having to wash, like flowers, leaves, door handles, walls, etc... I have a 20 month old son, so I still take the wipes and santitizer with me just in case. but I've learned to be in control of my compulsive behavior, instead of letting it take over my life and normal day to day activities. I was surprised that most people replied by urging you to take your son to a doctor or some sort of therapist. Like I said, I know for a fact that I have OCD, but thanks to my parents and husband and their support and help, I have learned to get a handle on it instead of being ridiculed, outed, or ';medicated'; because of it. So, you know your son best... if his normal activities or relationships are suffering because of his obsessive compulsive behavior, then that's when I would consult a professional. Otherwise, offer him some alternatives like wipes or sanitizer, and tell him that he should not do it in too much excess or when it's not really necessary. I have heard of cases when too much waching can cause peeling or excessive dryness of the skin . Watch out for those signs and remember, it might just be another phase, he's still pretty young and may just be concerned about his surroundings, like what you said about his fear of poisons before. Good luck and best wishes to both of you!!!
It could be OCD and you really can't stop it, sorry.
ITS called OCD.. I have it and I know what your son is going through. Yes it will be hard to get him stop it, but I recommed that you take him to a doctor, and get it checked out. The longer you leave it the worse it will get. Trust me its a real hard thing to go through and I wish that i had of gotten help sooner
Your son is into obsessive behaviour, and you need to see your Doctor about it, at once!!

He is exibiting signs of something, and what ever it is, that stressed him into this type of behaviour, either sexual abuse, or mental abuse or other type of physical abuse in nature, he needs to talk it over with a qualified child phycologist...

Or, if some one died who he was close to, he will also exibit this type of activity, until he talks it out with some one...

I wish you well..

Your son may be suffering from OCD. It is a compulsive disorder he as no control over. This is a emotionally painful disorder for your child, and yelling or demanding won't help. Talk to your doctor and get some support. Usually, there are other things that are contributing factors and counseling and medication could help. Does he have a hard time focusing, is it impossible for him to sit quietly for longer periods of time, does he start projects and can't finish them? - Start with your doctor, have patience and don't continually draw attention to something he is already painfully aware he has. Good Luck!
Your son is showing signs of a condition called OCD. Obsessive compulsive disorder. This is a very serious, but highly treatable problem. It is not one that should be ignored, because reasearch has shown that the earlier individuals recieve treatment the better.

Treatment includes counseling, behavior modification techniques, and sometimes medication.

What you should not do is try to make your son stop by pressuring him, or demanding it. Ask him why he is doing what he is doing--- usually people dealing with OCD have some sort of unrealistic fear behind the behavior, and he may be embarrassed to tell you. Tell him that you understand that something is behind what he is doing and he can talk to you about it. I have a feeling that your son is very smart?

He knows that what he is doing is abnormal, and likely can;t help himself. He needs to know that you don't think he is weird or wrong, and that you are trying to understand.

Most importantly, get some professional support, for your son and yourself. If you really are dealing with OCD, then you are going to need support for yourself while you help your son. It is a confusing, and frustrating condition, but you can work through it.

Good luck to you and your son.

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