Thursday, January 7, 2010

What brand of face wash is good for oily that doesn't hydrate my skin?

My face is extremely oily and it really frustrates me. I wash it with a facial cleanser soap and put my makeup on (I don't use liquid makeup cuz it makes my skin more oily). After about 1 hour, my face becomes extremely oily to the point where I have to reapply my makeup after removing excess oil.

What kind of face wash can help control my oily face that won't overhydrate my skin?

Thanks so much! :)What brand of face wash is good for oily that doesn't hydrate my skin?
when you use very drying products,like those made for oily skin, your skin actually starts producing more oil to compensate for being dried out and creates a vicious cycle. Try something gentler than an oily/acne cleanser that is still free of moisturizers. Cetaphil bar soap is a good one. If you're having a problem with acne, I recommend Clinique's Acne Solutions. It's a little pricey but works awesome! good luck.What brand of face wash is good for oily that doesn't hydrate my skin?
Well, I use some stuff called Calmile and it is very natural and very light and wont cause your face to produce oil. Or you can try filling half a cup of salt and the other half with warm water and then dipping a cotton ball in the water for 30-45 seconds and then putting it onto your pimples for exactly 3 minutes and then when you take it off take 2 other cotton balls and put it beside the pimple and slowly bring them closer together and then apply a small amout of honey over it and then go to bed. Cleaning and toneing are also important and drink lots of water (4-8 glasses a day) thats what i do and its free :) It really works!

You can use any number of things to wash your face that will work well. Please believe me when I tell you, it's not the cleanser that makes the difference. It's the LACK of hydration. Since you're probably using things that are drying out your skin, your sebacious glands are overcompensating for the lack of moisture. I know this sounds counter-intuitive BUT you really have to moisturize. I promise you that if you clean your face thoroughly at night and apply a lightweight moisturizer to your WET skin--just dab it on lightly %26amp; let it dry naturally (don't rub it off with a towel), you'll find that your oil production will adjust. Really, just try it for a week--I guarantee it'll work :-)
I have naturally oliy skin and I use Noxzema. The stuff works on my mild acne and takes care of the extra oil, but once you start using it you can't stop. You have to use it at least three times a week, if you stop your face will look horrible. At least it's cheap, you can buy it a any local drug store.
Sounds like you have a real problem in your hands. I don't think over the counter solutions are for you, consult a dermatologist, she'll probably recomment accutane (google it), meanwhile, use a cleanser with either salicilic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Neutrogena acne cleanser is a good one to try, but again may not prove right for you.
I used Biore and that stuff seems to make my breakouts even worse. Burt's Bees tomato complexion soap controls oil and I use it morning and night and it doesn't dry my face at all and my face is a lot less oily during the day. I also use blotting papers, its $1.00 for 50 sheets and they work just as good as the $9 drugstore brands.
Anything with Salicylic Acid. I suggest Biore. I love their face washes!
I know the right one for you!!!

Clean and Clear CREAM WASH. It's non foaming but has salicylic acid. It doesn't dry your skin out and aggravate it.

Here's my long answer too...


I'm 35 and I still get spots/pimple clusters from time to time and even when they go, they leave reddish marks for ages and my skin looks blotchy.

I use clean and clear or neutrogena clear skin - both contain salicylic acid which prevents breakouts and gradually evens the skin tone out too.

Any female with spots I'd recommend trying dianette or yasmin contraceptive pills because if it's hormonal, that can sort out the kind of hormonal pimples you might get monthly!

Also I'd recommend taking a 100% multi vitamin/mineral complex and Omega 369 oils every day because that ensures you're getting the right nutrition and also, the omega oils improve blood flow.

Also...keep your hydration right by drinking plenty of water, avoiding caffeine and alcohol and too much salt!

Another suggestion is the scrub you can get called 'resurface' or something like that - made by L'oreal. You only use it a couple of times a week (and use at night because it makes your face red!). It really works not just with the colouring but also the texture - smoothes it back out. It comes with it's own moisturiser which I don't use but I use the scrub at night a couple of times a week and put bio oil on which it supposed to help clear scarring and even skin tone.

And my final suggestion is 'sheer cover' mineral foundation. You see it on infomercials a lot...tacky I know! But it really works. You can buy it on eBay too so it's easy for you to get some to try it out. You use the tiniest amount but because it doesn't settle into enlarged pores and it contains minerals that reflect light, it disguises any kind of 'scarring' and also it stops you getting spots because it doesn't block pores. The minerals in it reflect light a bit too which acts as a kind of concealer. It's hard to explain but it's fantastic. Just make sure not to use too much - and apply with a kabuki brush starting from the outside and working in so you don't end up with an over made up nose!

I know people say make up's a no no - but because this doesn't block pores and has the added effect of stopping you touching your face too much, I think it's good. You can wear it on its own too and as long as you apply it minimally, it covers but doesn't look like you've got make up on.

Good luck with it hun XX

PS - if you can get them, clean %26amp; clear do these blotting paper things - in the uk I find I have to order them in from Hong Kong or somewhere cos they stopped doing them here - but they're REALLY good.

And if your face gets really greasy, just blot with a tissue if you can't find those. Some tissues are to fluffy so I tend to carry around a few sheets of kitchen roll for the purpose!!!

PPS - If you get your skin relatively under control, try using '21 day Fade Cream' (which I get from eBay) because it quickly clears up any scarring. I can only use it once a day though because otherwise (even though it's a 'cream-gel') it can make my skin a bit greasy again so I tend to use that at night but only during periods that my skin's doing 'good'!

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