YES, if you wash too often, your skin will produce excess oil to try and combat the dryness, which can lead to further breakouts.
You really only need to wash your face once a day unless it's very oily. You can refresh with witchazel; It's an astringent/toner that cleans without drying you out.Is it true that if u wash ur face alot ur face gets grease and you get more acne?
No, that's the opposite. You get rid of grease by washing your face.
BUT, by washing your face you open your pores, making them suseptible to dirt, causing acne.
My advice, splash your face with cold water after washing it. That will close the pores.
You need to make sure you wash your face a few times a day with some soap. If you use normal tap water without soap then you're not doing your face an justice and you will make things worse.
For more information see this site, you'll find some more answers here.
well washing your face removes all the grease/oil. Over washing takes all the oils out so your pores start making extra which makes more grease. If you use a light weight moisturizer that will not happen.
NO, but alot of the time it drys out your skin and red bumps can appear.
If you're going to wash your face alot..just use a moisturizer, too!
No it's not, washing your face helps get rid of grease. Unless you're using some kind of greasy soap?
nope.. for more info .. can chk ..
Thanks for sharing informative post.