Thursday, January 7, 2010

Liquid Face Wash?

What is a soap made from and why has it got a bad name lately. Everybody prefers liquid face washes but all of them are full of sodium or ammonium laureth sulphate that is extremely harmful.Worse,SLS can be made from natural/organic origin so we dont know how safe are herbal cleansers.what is the dermatologists view on this?I am looking for the safest,fragrance free cleanser for dry skin that may be derm recommended.Liquid Face Wash?
Soap is mostly made of tensioactives (like a detergent) that break down the lipidic barrier. That is why soap can be drying. Sodium and ammonium laureth sulphate are also tensioactives but they are not harmful! They are just drying, but they cleanse properly. The mildest cleanser is Cetaphil cleansing lotion (the regular one, not the one for oily skin), even after a peeling you can safely use it.Liquid Face Wash?
I personally use Beauticontrol products- but if you are looking for store bought cleanser- my backup is PURPOSE by Johnson %26amp; Johnson. Liquid-soap-free, Hypoallergenic. I get it at Target.
Soap is ment for the body. If people have acne prone face then their skin reacts to soap differently %26amp; also they may have more sensitive skin on their face. Liquid face washes are mad specially for each facial skin type. Theres ones for dry, sensitive, oily, acne prone, and resistant skin etc. I tried using dove on my face and i use it for my body all the time. My face was fine the first few washes, but afterwards i started to get this extremely dry skin. it was cracking and even tough to smile through it so i switched back to what i always use to use neutrogena facial scrub. I love it's exfoliating power and it gives excellent defence over any present or about to come acne. You can get cleansers that are more natural, but you just need to whatch the product's ingredients. There are pretty harsh ingredients in some soaps to so yea.
I don't use any of that stuff that has all that junk in it. I use ';Arbonne'; it has all natural ingredients in their skin care/make up. They don't use any harsh chemicals, SLS, animal products (like petroletum,etc..) You can find them on the internet. Very good company... a little pricey though...but worth it!

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